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Friday 1 February 2013

Thursdays child is full of... attitude!

Today my little man woke up in a mood, "i don't want to go to school its too hard!"
one hour later!

Cut to six hours later... on the way home from school and start the task of preparing Alex for a visit. His dad is with us, oh what joy! It's so much easier to do it alone, we never agree on what is best for Alex, it is  always about how hard done he is!

After school Alex had a meeting with a youth worker called john. john works for a charitable organisation called "MacIntyre" that offers a type of support for children  and adults that have special needs in a variety of ways.  From next week he will have two hours one to one time with John and do activities that will interest him away from the norm, allowing me to do whatever i need, or spend one to one time with his brother.
The meeting went well, Alex's dad was feeling uncomfortable and judgmental as always! John sat talking to Alex and they seem to hit it off straight away. Alex was soon getting toys out that he had not touched for years, all of a sudden he was building a helicopter out of meccano!

Overall a success! so i treated the boys to tea out. we went and had fish and chips and they seemed happy enough. Bedtime also seemed more peaceful and no meltdown when I asked Alex to get in bed (even better!)

For more information on the MacIntyre charity visit their website

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